Friday, December 16, 2011

Is att uverse advanced tv really better than cable and why?

Uverse has a lot of features and I know many people who absolutely love their service. If the installer knows what they're doing and do a good job, you will be very happy with the U verse service. Uverse is a network using fiber optic lines. In most neighborhoods the Fiber optic lines run to the main phone box for the neigborhood, from there it is put on your phone line. The picture is clearer than most cable/satellite providers. you can use the picture in picture mode automatically. Other features people like are that you can record up to 4 programs at once. One of the most popular features is that the modem also serves as a wireless router. The down side to the service is you need a box for every tv you want to watch and installs can take up to 5-8 hours.|||I have att uverse and I persoanlly really like it. The only problem I is since it runs through phone lines and uses a gateway, sometimes the guide can get sluggish. But in general its cheaper than comcast for the same service and the modem/gateway is all wireless.

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