Saturday, December 24, 2011

Vonage with ATT Uverse?

I have a Vonage Linksys WRTP54G Device that I am using with the ATT Uverse 2 Wire Router. I have to reset my Vonage router to keep my phone service working. Previously I had Cable internet through Time Warner and with the same Vonage Device never had this issue for over 2 years. This only started when I went to Uverse. Does anyone know the correct method of connecting them together to make this combination work properly? Thanks in advance!|||Sounds like you are using a router behind a router.

Typically, the WRTP54G would connect directly to the cable or DSL modem. The Linksys is a Router + VoIP ATA.

But, if it is now behind a 2Wire Router, you may be experiencing port blocking by the 2Wire Router. In which case, you need to put the Linksys on a port of 2Wire that is set to DMZ (no ports blocked), or you find out how to configure the 2Wire (what model?) to port forward SIP ports required by the Linksys VoIP ATA WRTP54G.

Linksys ATA's use SIP ports 5060-5062 UDP and RTP ports in the 10,000-20,000 UDP range (typically 16384-16482 UDP). So, either connect the WRTP54G to the DMZ port of 2Wire Router, or port forward the above ports to be open for the WRTP54G.

VoIP won't work properly if the required SIP and RTP ports are blocked.|||You can make the changes Mr Voip suggested by going to from a computer directly connected to your U-verse gateway. You will need the password that is on the sticker on the side of your gateway to adjust the firewall settings. (Assuming it wasn't changed. If the password doesn't work and you don't know the password, call 800 att 2020 and ask them to re set your password.)

Good Luck

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