Monday, December 19, 2011

ATT Uverse cable box flashing red and green with red x in the middle of TV screen.?

I think that the power in the house went out last night. When we woke up this morning, the cable box was flashing red and green. when we tried to turn the TV on, all we could see was a red X in the middle of the screen.

We have a bundled package (and obviously) the internet works.

Does anyone have any ideas on hw to fix it without having to call ATT?

Would be MUCH appreciated!

Thanks =)|||The first thing they told me was to reboot the system by pushing the little tv screen shaped button in for five seconds. That didn't work, so they said to unplug the power to the box for 15 seconds. Just reach behind the box and pull out the power cord,it's easier than getting to the plug, at least in our house.

After all that didn't work, they sent a guy out, that did the same thing, then pronounced the box dead and installed a new one. We lost all our recorded shows btw.

At least if you did all this before you call, maybe they will just send the guy out.

Good luck.|||try restarting it or turn it off leave it off for a while then plug it back in

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