Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm having trouble with my ATT Uverse connection and My Xbox Live?

My gateway for Uverse is on the first floor and my Xbox 360 is on the third floor on the opposite side of the house. I have next to no signal where my Xbox 360 is located. It only works maybe 20% of the time.

Is there a way I can get a stronger wireless signal from My ATT Uverse Gateway to My 360 without having a tech come out and move the gateway?|||If there is a AT%26amp;T U-verse cable box in that same room you can connect an Ethernet cable from the back of the Xbox 360 to the back of the cable box in the Network port and you wont have to deal with the wireless.

If not you can purchase a wi-fi extender to "boost" the wireless signal.|||get a wireless amplifier/repeater t see them in hotels all the time they plug in the wall and have a antenna on the top basically it takes in your weak signal and amplifies it to make it stronger.

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